A Few years ago me and Granddaddy were sitting in his living room when Granddaddy just out of the blue said ” My daddy build that magazine rack” I said something back and then then Granddaddy said ” my daddy build that magazine rack out of orange crates”. My granddaddy’s daddy was a country doctor in Keota, Oklahoma who made house calls in a horse and buggy. Dr. Bruce Inman would not gotten paid in cash, because no one had any money. People would pay my Great-Granddaddy with whatever they had that could be a chicken or a few eggs, maybe some vegetables out of their garden. That’s how people survived back in the Great Depression, Dr. Bruce ,that’s what everyone called him, made that magazine rack out of orange crates because he needed a magazine rack and the only he would get one is to build it himself out of anything he had. If I took the magazine rack to the Antiques Roadshow , they would tell that’s an example of the arts and crafts movement. It’s really an example of the if you want it, you have to make it movement. Todays song is one of the best examples of how it really was to live through the Great Depression.
The big problem with begging someone for a dime, during the Great Depression, is that whoever you asked for a dime would say “I was just abought to ask you for one.” Today’s kids with their cell phones, video games, computers have no clue how it was living during the Great Depression, come to think of it I can’t imagine how it really was. I can tell one thing I’m sure of, that’s during the Great Depression there was not a bunch of preacher all over the country preaching that Jesus wants you to rich. How is it that today Jesus wants us to be rich but in the Great Depression he didn’t make everyone rich. Today the “People of Faith” do their best to take away health care from the poor. In the Great Depression everyone was “the poor” and they believed in taking care of each other. Has Jesus changed since the Great Depression like the “People of Faith” claim? I’m not a member of Trump’s “People of Faith” I’m not ashamed to say that I’m a born again Christian. I believe that we should learn from history not ignore it. If you will read yesterday’s song then you might see that I have a theme for this Christmas and the theme is to be thankful for what God has given to you and this Christmas give to others more than ever.