The Devil’s Right Hand

Today’s song the pistol is the Devils Right Hand would be a controversial song if it were out today. Imagine calling a gun the Devil’s right hand today, saying anything at all about gun control at any church of today. They would call you names like their favorite word, liberal then they would laugh at you. Today church people firmly believe in their 2nd commandment rights. Doesn’t everyone remember when Charlton Heston walked down the mountain at the end of that movie and gave the people the Ten Commandments. Then years later God made Charlton Heston the spokesman for the NRA. If you ask most church people, they will tell that Jesus joined the NRA, I can’t find that in my Bible so I guess next Sunday I will have to ask someone exactly where in the Bible this happened. Good ol’ Chuck Heston in a famous speech proclaimed they  will have to pry his gun from his cold dead hand, and the crowd went wild. I just feel sorry for that poor mortician you know he had to earn his pay on that job!

Back when I taught the singles class in Sunday School, there was an older man in his middle 60s in my class. Don had a lot of health problems, he only had one hand his other hand was a hook. One day my pastor called me and told me that Don had died. He said they found Don sitting in his living room chair holding his Bible in the one hand he had. I was wandering, Christian friend, how would you like for them to find your dead body holding a Bible or would you rather they find you holding your gun?  And I have another question I want you to think about. Suppose that the government put a ban on abortions but in order to get this ban their would also be a ban on assault rifles. I guess most would use the standard reply that the NRA has taught them. they would say assault rifles don’t kill people. It seems their pro-life beliefs only extend to unborn babies everyone else, well if they die then they die, the pro-lifers are not going to do anything to stop anyone but babies from being killed. Of coarse both in Las Vegas and the Texas church shootings there were pregnant women who both the women and their unborn babies were killed. I believe that life, all life should be protected any way we can. Before you answer maybe you should ask yourself would Jesus defend assault rifles? If you can find scripture that supports Jesus defending assault rifles I would like to read those scriptures, so just leave them in the comments where everyone can read them.