Put Christ Back Into Christmas

Don’t wish me Merry Xmas nor Happy Holidays is the first line of this Christmas song.  I  was a mover for several years and one thing that I  never ever did was to box up Christmas decorations and then mark on the box Xmas Deco. I saw boxes marked Xmas all the time and whenever I saw them I would think of this song. Writing Xmas on a box was taking Christ out of Christmas. It’s not just using Xmas as an lazy abbreviation, back in the day on store fronts and signs storeowners would place Merry Xmas obvious that it would offend Christians. It’s not like they haven’t heard the song before back then it was a real popular song.

The song also says don’t wish me Happy Holidays. I’ve always had a problem with this. Yes saying Xmas does directly take Christ out of Christmas, but I always thought when someone wishes you Happy Holidays they were referring to the Holidays, and the Holidays are Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years day not just Christmas. I believe they saying Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, the phrase Happy Holidays covered ALL the Holidays. The big retailors would love for us to forget the other Holidays and think of nothing else but to sell us something for Christmas. Happy Holidays also can refer to Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, this is how President Obama got into trouble with the ” Trump base”.  They were offended because President Obama didn’t say Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays. Now President Trump says Merry Christmas with a lot of pride and arrogance his base is super proud that we have a President that’s brave enough to say Merry Christmas. The church people say that what President Trump is just like today’s song he is putting Christ back into Christmas. That would be great if that were really what he intents by saying Merry Christmas. However I believe that President Trump is not praising Christ by saying Merry Christmas in truth, President Trump is praising himself! Who are these “church people” in the Trump base, well read this carefully because I know who these “church people” are. Back during the summer of 2016 during the campaign Candidate Trump spoke before a large group of pastors. Time and time again Candidate Trump referring to his audience as “you religious people “. After the speech, someone must had told him that the one thing that pastors hate is being called “religious”.  A few days later instead of You Religious People Candidate Trump starts to call them the People of Faith. Why not call them “born again Christians”? Do you remember the 76 election where Jimmy Carter called himself “born again” and all that followed after that? Donald Trump didn’t want be get involved with something like that again, so they picked what they thought would be a safe thing to call them, after all calling someone a person of faith you might think that would be a compliment. But think about it if you now call yourself one of the People of Faith then you might not realize it but you just took Christ out of your name. That’s right the people that shout the loudest about putting Christ back into Christmas have taken Christ out of their name because that’s what Donald Trump wants  them to be know as. President Trump and his advisors had no idea what they did at the time but what they unaware did is to divide the “Born Again Christians from the People of Faith. The Born Again Christians are followers of Christ on the other hand the People of Faith are followers of Trump who may go to church. As a Born Again Christian I believe you might could call this what we now call “a God thing” the People of Faith would not agree, but then you have to consider they are willing to give up the name of Christ just because of politics. Do you know the best way that you can put Christ into Christmas. It’s through your actions not weather you tell someone Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. —-The last line for today is Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!