My Sweet Lord

If you don’t listen carefully to this song you think this is a song about Jesus after all they say Hallelujah a lot. But the former Beatle, George Harrison, is singing praises to Hindu gods. This is also known as the “Hare Krishna” song, I always thought that it was the Harry Krishna song but it turns that’s a different dude. To understand the meaning of the song you have to listen to what the background singers are singing, they start out at the first of the song singing Hallelujah several times but at about the halfway point they change Hallelujah to “Hare Krishna” they sing “Hare Krishna several times, then at the end song the backup singers do a Hindu chant. I can’t understand all the words their singing so I looked it up on the internet. At the end of the song they sing; Krishna, Krishna: Hare, Hare: Guru Brahma: Guru Vishnu: Guru Devo: Maheshwara: Guru Sakshaat:

If George Harrison wants to move to India and become a Hare Krishna I suppose he has the right to do that. After all George is one of the Beatles gods. What I disagree with is when Christians take this song and say , well if we take all that Hindu stuff out of it, we can make it into a Christian song. I haven’t done anything on Jim Nabors since his death because I was waiting for today’s song to come up. This is Gomer singing My Sweet Lord without all that Hindu stuff.

So leave out some background words and there is suddenly there’s a Christian song that used to be a Hindu song. What’s wrong with mixing Christianity with Hinduism? It seems that today there is a lot of Hinduism being mixed in with today’s Christians. I don’t know much about Hinduism but I know enough to see how the belief in reincarnation is really popular with today’s Christians. For instance, those brown people in Mexico need to stay in Mexico and suffer and when they die, in their next life they may be born a white, English speaking, American. That is the Republican plan for citizenship. Those starving people in Africa, well they can just go ahead and die, maybe their next life will be better. Today’s Christians will tell that’s not what they believe, but that belief would explain much of their actions. This belief justifies racism, and the war on the poor.