The title of today’s song is anticipation but I was think of it as the good old days song. The first part of the song, the anticipation part, was used on a ketchup commercial a few years ago. You might think that I’m going to share a story about my childhood. But this story is not about my childhood or anybody that I know. Today’s story is just a thought a had when I was watching TV.
Back in high school I did a term paper on Nazi Propaganda, I guess since then I have always been interested in WWII and I always wanted to know why the people of Germany would follow Hitler to their deaths. One night I was watching a program on the Nazi Youth. there were two Nazi youth organizations one for boys and one for girls. In a lot ways these where a lot like the boy and girl scouts they even when to summer camp. Their summer camp was almost like summer camp that our kids would go to. Like for instance the Hitler Youth boys would learn how to build a fire, shoot bows and arrows, do woodworking, go swimming with naked girls, go hiking, singing songs around a campfire,—-Wait did anyone notice the swimming with naked girls part? That’s right the Nazi boys camp would meet up with the Nazi girls camp and go swimming together naked. Why would the Nazi’s do this? The Nazi’s were really proud because at the end of one year, nearly 800 Nazi girls became pregnant. When they gave birth their babies were know as Hitler’s babies. I know it sounds unbelievable but this really happened.
The space above is there where I can put pictures but you can look these pictures up on the internet for yourself.—A week after I saw the Hitler Youth program another WWII program came on, this one was about Hitler’s invasion of Russia. In particular it was about the Battle of Leningrad, the program told of the suffering of the German soldiers during the harsh Russian winter. Meanwhile back in Berlin, Hitler is on the radio telling the German people how their brave soldiers were glad to fight to the death for the Fatherland. While I was watching this I thought what would a couple of German soldiers say to each other? Just imagine this conversation: ” Hans do you remember back in the good old days when we were warm, and we were back at the youth camp and swimming with naked girls? Hans how’s your hand feeling?” Hans replied ” It’s feeling a lot better since it fell off” Hans can you remember anyone telling us when we were swimming with naked girls, by the way in a few years you’ll be freezing to death in Russia. Hans said “Now that you mentioned it, no one told us that”. Yep those were the good old days.