We’ve Only Just Begun

My name is Jeff Mann welcome to my first post on Jeffs song of the day! Why did I decide to have my own blog instead of posting on Facebook? With a blog and this may not be important to you but when I would work so hard on my Facebook posts and after all that work I may get maybe 1 or 2 likes and maybe a comment.  I’ve got over 300 friends on Facebook so I’m thinking that no one is seeing my posts. Now I don’t know exactly how this works, but on a blog it tells you how many people went to your site, I think I can find out where anyone is located at that visited my blog.  If I know people are reading my blog it will encourage me and I won’t think that I’m wasting my time. Another reason why I started a blog besides the posts look so much better than on Facebook, if I won’t to have two songs on one post I can do that with a blog, you may say you can do that on Facebook well you would think but the facts are Facebook will only let you share one link per post that really limited me. But now with Jeffs song of the day I can do anything I want to do. The last reason why I started a blog is that I can make money with a blog.  Now of coarse, my first reason to have this blog is to change the world, but if I make a dollar or two I wouldn’t mind that a bit, that and I’ll change the world. Now if I don’t change the world at least I made a couple of bucks.

The reason I decided to have a blog with  a song for each new day is that first off a blog needs a theme of some kind. With a song on each post, if you don’t like what I have to say then maybe you will like the song. Todays song of the day is The Carpenters We’ve Only Just Begun. If you thought that the song of today is because this is my first post so I’m only just begun then you are understanding my point of my blog. In order to further understand what my blog is all about I will give my schedule for this week: Tuesday’s song is I’ve Got a Name because the other day I did something that they say that everyone should do. I Goggled my name, Jeff Mann, it turns out I’m not the only Jeff Mann on the internet, and tomorrow I’ll explain why it’s important to Goggle your name. On Wednesday The song will be something from the Disney movie “Pocahontas” because I want to stay up to date on current events. Tonight Sen. Elizabeth Warren is scheduled to be on the Late Show with Steven Colbert. President Trump thought it would be real funny to call Sen. Warren “Pocahontas” in some tweets because she is part Native  American.  Thursday is Thanksgiving and I thought I would skip it since it’s a holiday but yesterday our first song at church was Count Your Blessings, it was Mama’s favorite hymn we played it at Mama’s funeral I will not miss this opportunity.  On Friday which is the official start of the Christmas season. The song will be ” A Christmas Card to You” Now here’s the deal by Friday David Cassidy should be dead. Now maybe that’s not the best way to put it but his kidneys and liver are failing, and they have called the family together, so I’m just saying there a chance by Friday that he will pass away. You shouldn’t laugh because when you hear this song, that’s right by the Partridge Family, you may like this Christmas song a lot it’s one of my favorites. On Saturday I’m going to have what I think is the most annoying Christmas song ever written. I’m telling what this song is you’ll have to wait until Saturday!  On Sunday I’m having Cher’s song “Half-Breed” You may ask why would I have a song about racial hatred on a Sunday? I will tell the story of the Jews who hatred was so intense for these people because they were not “Pure” Jews and what Jesus had to say about it. I’m looking forward to writing a story every day.