Border Song Elton John

This is one of mine favorite Elton John songs of all time. This video was made in 1970 of a 23 year old Elton John on a Switzerland TV special. I know he was 23 because Elton and me share the same birthday of March 25 and I was 8 in 1970 and Elton is 15 years older than me. Back then here in America a popular expression was Holy Cow, meanwhile in England it was Holy Moses, I guess the british weren’t as impressed by cows as we were. The song is not a prayer to Moses it’s just the expression they used. The song was written by Bernie Taupin but when Elton read the words to the song he thought it needed a big finish so Elton wrote the last verse, he wrote:          Holy Moses let us live in peace
Let us strive to find a way to make all hatred cease
There’s a man over there what’s his color I don’t care
He’s my brother let us live in peace                                                                                       Elton wrote these words over 48 years ago it seems no one is striving to find a way to make all hatred cease and the color of that man over there is all anyone cares about!

My sister-in-law, Carmen, is from Honduras. Back in June of 2009 My brother and Carmen went to Honduras to visit her family and of coarse I’m sure all Americans remember what happened in Honduras on June 28, 2009. There was a coup d’état, that’s a fancy word for a military overthrown  of the government. Some of Carmen’s family worked for the government. I could imagine that it was a very scary time for all of them. After a few days, my brother and Carmen were able to take a bus to Costa Rica to fly back to the US. I found this video that explains what happened during the coup quit well.

A short while after the coup, two of Carmen’s cousins were standing in their friends driveway, when a man they didn’t know came up to them and pulled out a pistol and put it against their friend’s forehead and pulled the trigger her cousins ran. Her cousins decided to leave the country so they went to airport and flew to Miami and then to Houston, this was back in 2009 and there wasn’t a direct flight to Houston back then. So  Carmen’s cousins stayed with her and my brother a couple of months in Houston. My brother flew Daddy down to Houston for a visit while they were there and Daddy said that they were “two fine young men”. They were both in their twenties. After a couple of months they went to New Orleans to visit one of Carmen’s sister and then they flew back to Honduras. Now when that man shot Carmen’s cousins friend there wasn’t anyone there to take a picture of it. So I thought I would show the most famous picture of someone being shot in the head. This is a picture of a South Vietnamese General  (the good guys) shooting a VC prisoner (the bad guys) in the head. The picture appeared in Life magazine and is credited with changing many people’s mind about the Vietnam War. Maybe it can still change people’s mind today. You can watch the video of this but I will not put it on my blog.

Last week the news reported on a woman from Honduras was seeking asylum because in Honduras the banks are controlled by the drug cartels and if someone cannot pay back a loan then a family member is killed, this is one reason why Honduras is the “murder capitol of the world”. She said that they let it know that she was the family member that would be shot. Her request for entering the United States was denied. Do you know what will, not might happen, what will happen to that woman if she goes back to Honduras? Just look at the picture above. Maybe that is what happened to Carmen’s cousin’s friend, he might had been the family member that the cartel picked to kill. When the caravan of these people from Central America were in Mexico headed for our southern border President Trump had one of those rallies to glorify  himself at the rally he proclaimed that none of these people that are walking towards the border will get in our country. And as they say “and the crowd went wild”.  Does Trump cares what happens to this woman I wrote about? The answer to is easy No Trump could care less what happens to a poor brown woman from Honduras. What about the Trump worshippers who fill up out church’s each Sunday, do they care what happens to this poor brown woman from Honduras? From their posts I’ve seen on Face Book the answer world be a big NO. Does Jesus care what happens to this poor brown woman from Honduras? If you ask the Trump worshippers, from their actions they would tell you no, Jesus only cares about white people.

My brother and me went to Little Rock to War Memorial Stadium to see Elton  John and Billy Joel preform together. We went to hear Elton and we didn’t know that much about Billy Joel. Now I knew he always ended his concerts with Piano Man and everyone was suppose to sing the chorus, but what me and my brother didn’t know was when Billy sung My Life when he comes to the words this is my life, leave me alone, the whole crowd, except from me and my brother, yelled out LEAVE ME ALONE! That gives me a great idea! Elton can sing Border Song for his 3 year farewell tour and when Elton gets to the part where he sings, there’s a man over there, what’s his color, then the whole crowd can yell out WE DON’T CARE! I think that would be great. Of coarse the Trump worshippers wouldn’t yell that but for some reason I don’t believe there would be a lot of them in the crowd anyway.