USSR stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Republicans are calling democrats socialist so that sounds really bad. Do you know what a socialist is? One thing is for sure Trump and the Republicans don’t have a clue what socialism is all about, they just know it sounds bad. From the sound of this classic Beatles song socialism doesn’t sound that bad.
Did all this talk about Democrats being socialist start with Trump? No this started a long time ago. When Jimmy Carter was president one of his quotes was: “Many fervent pro-life activists do not extend their concern to the baby who is born and are least likely to support benevolent programs that they consider to be socialist”. This whole idea of giving anything to the poor as socialism goes back a long time Trump has picked up on this and now all you hear is how democrats are really socialist. The biggest benevolent program that was implemented during the Carter Administration was Women, infants, and children know as WIC . I copied this from it’s website: WIC (Women Infants, & Children) is a supplemental nutrition program for babies, children under the age of 5, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and women who have had a baby in the last 6 months. The Federal Government supplies the money to the states and it’s the states that runs the program. If you want to see what is covered in your state just go to your local grocery store and you will see, if you look for it, there’s a small yellow tag that says “WIC approved”. Members of my family have been helped greatly by WIC. Millions of poor women their babies and their children have depended on WIC. It’s programs like WIC that Makes America truly great! But ask any of the 70% of white pastors who support Trump and they will tell how bad of a president this born again Christian man was and WIC is socialism. This brings me to another famous Jimmy Carter quote “If you don’t want your tax dollars to help the poor, then STOP saying that you want a country based on Christian values, BECAUSE YOU DON’T!” This reminds me on all the Face Book posts where they will say Life begins at conception and my tax dollars is not paying for one abortion. But they also say that their tax dollars are not going to pay for diapers, formula, juice, and all the other things that WIC pays for. It seems their slogan should be Life begins at conception Love ends at birth. What kind of Christian values do these 70% of white pastors have? By what their calling socialism; is Jesus a socialist? Well let’s look at some scripture and find out.
Mark 10 17-22 17. And when he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal Life? 18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God. 19 Thou knowest the commandments: Do not commit adultery; Do not kill; Do not steal; Do not bear false witness; Defraud not; Honor thy father and mother. 20 And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. 21 Then Jesus, beholding him, loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest; go thy way, sell whatever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow me. 22 And he was sad at that saying, and went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions.
Jesus told him to sell everything he had and give it to who? THE POOR. One thing we learn from this scripture is that Jesus, without a doubt, is NOT a republican. Republicans do not believe in giving anything to the poor, they hate the poor and blame the poor for most of the problems in the US. The Republicans would say “we don’t hate the poor we just don’t want to spend all of our money on them”. Wait that didn’t sound right. We believe we shouldn’t spend so much money on the poor rich people need money too. Well maybe I shouldn’t guess what their answers would be, but one thing for sure they know Jesus is wrong, selling all you have and giving it to the poor , by the Republican definition, is Socialism! Imagine No Possessions! If anybody out there knows any of these 70% of white pastors who support Trump ask one of them to explain away this scripture and how Jesus is not a socialist .
When people talk about love songs they probably will not mention today’s song, it’s not on those TV commercials selling CDs of the greatest love songs. But Rock and Roll Lullaby by BJ Thomas is simply one of the best most touching love songs ever written. It’s describes the great love a mother has for her son. The first verse describes the situation: She was just sixteen and all alone When I came to be So we grew up together My mama child and me Now things were bad and she was scared But whenever I would cry She’d calm my fears and dry my tears With a rock and roll lullaby
And the last lines: Now I can’t recall the words at all It don’t make sense to try ‘Cause I just knew lots of love came through In that rock and roll lullaby
What would happen if this scared all alone sixteen year old mother went to a church for help? What kind of “help” would the good church people offer to the girl? It’s sad to say but today’s church would probably say that this young girl was an “unfit mother” that she has no business raising a child on her own without a husband. There was a good Christian couple at their church who’s been trying to start a family for years and they would give this baby a good home and they could provide for this child unlike the poor unemployed mother. After all the deep love that girl has for her baby isn’t enough, it would be much better to take her baby away from her and be raised by a good Christian couple with good jobs after all money is much more important than love.
In the past couple of weeks it seems to me that most of the posts on Face Book are pro-life proclaiming how evil the democrats are. This is very concerning to me because I was raised to believe that it was a sin to judge anyone as “evil”. I was taught that the only difference between Christians and everyone else was that Christians were sinners saved by grace. As the Apostle Paul said in Romans: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. But from the posts I’ve seen a lot of Christians don’t believe that anymore.
Let’s look at the pro-life movement and a brief history of Roe v Wade. In 1976 Jimmy Carter was elected president as a born again Christian. But a lot of Christians led by Jerry Falwell turned against Jimmy Carter because of his stance on abortion. They wanted Jimmy Carter to sign an executive order banning abortions. He refused to do that so vast number of Christians voted him out of office. I saw Larry King interview with him and Larry asked him about his views on abortion. Jimmy Carter explained his view and I’m in complete agreement with him. His belief starts with one verse of scripture John 3:17. These are the words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:
For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved.
It was during Jimmy Carter’s presidency that the Reverend Jerry Falwell began the group know as the Moral Majority. They declared that as the moral children of God it was their right to condemn others. By the number of posts condemning democrats it definably appears that the Moral Majority has increased their numbers by millions and now more than ever these people believe they must condemn the democrats. In particular they really display their hatred of Nancy Pelosi. I have seen some posts that declare that Nancy Pelosi is none other than Satan himself! From their posts it seems that compared to Nancy Pelosi Osama Bin Laden is a saint! I’ve seen posts where they call her a baby-killer. Now where have we heard that term before? Back during the Vietnam War those evil war protestors would call our soldiers returning from the war baby-killers, but those were liberal hippie democrats and it was wrong for them to call some one a baby killer however, the conservative moral republicans believe Jesus wants them to call the evil democrats baby-killers. These people that make believe they are justified by making these posts if they ask their friends at church their friends will tell them that their are justified to make these. They may even ask their pastor and sad to say but there’s a good likelihood that their pastor says their justified. But what does Jesus say about this? Does he say that they are justified condemning democrats? In Luke 18: 10-14 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says:
10. Two men went up into the Temple to pray: the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax collector. 11. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee that I am not as other men who are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. 12. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all I possess. 13. And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto Heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other, for everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased: and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Of coarse today’s moral republicans will need to add evil democrats to the Pharisee’s list of people their not like. Jesus said that the self-righteous Pharisee was not justified by condemning the tax collector. There’s a word that Jesus uses in this passage that you don’t have to worry about Trump or his supporters of being guilty of. That’s the word humble, no way a Trump supporter will ever become humble as they express in their posts they are the most condemning, self-righteous people you’ll ever what to meet.
The people reading this are saying that they are not at all like the self-righteous Pharisee they are justify making these posts in fact they believe that Jesus will reward them for making this posts. Their only question is how much a reward will Jesus give and I better make more of these posts just incase Jesus will reward me with a lot of money! That’s a good question, how much will Jesus reward them? I have an idea on that. In Matthew 6: 5-8 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says.
. 5And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. 7But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. 8Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
Today you don’t have to stand on a street corner to be seen by men. Today the street corner is Face Book and unlike a street corner where only the people right by you can hear you, your Face Book post can reach the whole world! That means when your yelling at your Face Book post about the evil democrats the whole world can hear. According to this scripture, when you make that Face Book post as soon as you hit that share button you will receive your reward.
What kind of Face Book posts should you make. It depends on what you really want. If what you want is to glorify yourself and condemn others than what you are doin now is just fine. However, if one of your goals is to have Roe v Wade overturned, you have to do something else to make that happen and it’s not calling democrats evil! There is a simple, almost a sure way to do this. All that it will take is for President Trump to sign an executive order banning abortion, then the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade. The question is would President sigh that order, here’s what he said years ago.
Oct. 24, 1999 interview on NBC
That might be a problem we elected a very pro choice man that says he won’t sigh an order to ban abortion. The Trump base will tell you that he has changed his mind and now he’s very pro life. Remember the debates? During the debates what did Donald Trump say about abortion? If you will recall what he said was how evil Hillary Clinton was, but if you listened carefully to what he really said he never once said if you elect me I’ll ban abortions. And the same is happening now except now it’s Nancy Pelosi that’s the evil one. So it’s the same thing blame the evil democrats and do nothing!
I’ve heard some pro life leaders say that an executive order from President Trump wouldn’t work anyway. The Friday after his inauguration President Trump sighed his first executive order. Was it to ban abortion, no, it was the Muslim ban. The Muslim ban went to the Supreme Court with the new Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch, the Supreme Court ruled that freedom of religion does not matter in the USA and sided with the president. So now people because of their religious beliefs are banned from our Christian country.
So is the Trump base going to demand that President Trump sign an executive order banning abortion? Or will they just keep on condemning evil democrats and praising Trump. I think we all know the answer to that.
Happy New Year everyone. Today’s song was inspired by Vladimir Putin new year’s address to the Russian people standing in front of the Kremlin wishing the Russian people a happy new year and while he was there he decided to dust of his Bible and lecture the American people. Yes Vladimir Putin invoked An eye for an eye. Because if what to hear someone who really knows their Bible it’s Vladimir Putin! He was saying this to justify Russia arresting an American calling him a spy. Putin did this in response to the Russian woman who infiltrated the NRA and other conservative groups during the election and is now said to be cooperating with the Mueller investigation. So just like the Bible says Putin said you do it to us we’ll do it to you right back. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth it does say that it the Bible doesn’t it? Well for this the first day of the new year let’s all dust off our Bible like Putin and see just what does Jesus has to say about an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
It’s very sad to say but I believe if you ask people that you know attend church and call themselves Christians, if you ask them what did Jesus say anything about an eye for an eye, they would tell you that an eye for an eye is in the Old Testament and Jesus didn’t say anything about it. I really hope I’m wrong about that. Now maybe more than ever we need to read and understand Jesus teaching on an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.
In the Sermon On The Mount the words of our Lord and Savior are as follows: Matthew 5 38-42. 38. Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: 39. But I say unto you that ye resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other side also. 40. And if any man sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. 41. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him two. 42. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
Why did Jesus say Ye have heard that it hath been said you may said what should he had said? Because when Satan tempted Jesus three times Jesus said For it is written. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth is in the scriptures Leviticus 24:20 and Deuteronomy 19:21 so it’s in the Old Testament not once but twice. So it was written twice and yet Jesus asks the question you have heard it said like an eye for an eye was just a saying rather than scripture. If you ever wandered why Jesus put it that way today Vladimir Putin gave the entire world the best example why Jesus said it the way he did. Does anyone believe that if you have a question about the Bible that the best person to ask would be Putin? I don’t think so, but Putin knows Americans believe in the Bible and Putin has heard that somewhere in the Bible it says an eye for an eye. The sad part is that many people will say ‘Putin’s right after all I also heard an eye for an eye was in the Bible.”
If you notice Jesus does not equate justice with an eye for an eye rather he does the opposite he compares an eye for an eye with evil. How could that be you may ask. Well to answer that I’m going to change examples from Vladimir Putin to our president Donald J. Trump. I think it was last spring when a reporter said something that angered him, imagine that!, then our president thought it would be a great idea to respond back to the reporter saying something bad about him. The first lady famously said “When someone hits my husband he hits them back 10 times harder.” Meanwhile back at the White House Sarah Huckabee Sanders continues to let the dust pile on top of her Bible and tells reporters that “Our president is a fighter and when someone attacks him he fights back”. It seemed Mrs. Sanders has never heard Jesus command to turn the other cheek. Jesus’s what? Command! That’s right turn the other cheek is not a choice Jesus didn’t say turn the other cheek if you feel like it or turn the other cheek if your in the mood to or he did not say turn the other cheek if you want to get beat up he for sure did not say hit the other guy ten times harder! Yes it’s a lot harder to be Christlike than to be a follower of Trump. Maybe Trump and Putin can get together not for a summit but for a Bible study. From both of their actions it appears they know a lot about the Bible.
So who’s right Putin and Trump or is Jesus right? You may say Jeff you’re not a preacher you never been to seminary. Well then I guess everyone should ask their own pastor some of whom knows so much about the Bible that he is know as Dr. Pastor. I’m sure all you’ll have to do is ask and your good, white, Trump supporting pastor will deliver a message condemning Hit them back ten times harder and say that true Christians should follow the words of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I’m just positive you’ll hear a good old fashion Bible tumbin sermon about turning the other cheek. Maybe not so let’s all find out and here’s how we can do just that. Share this on your own timeline I sure just like me your pastor is your friend on Face Book, I have over a dozen pastors and song leaders as my friends and I just don’t understand how none of them that’s right not even the retired pastors will ever make a comment on what I have to say why do you suppose that is? It’s time America pastors need to speak up for Jesus and stop making excuses for Trump! While your asking your pastor to explain away this post scroll thru my blog and I think their are posts, like my post on Cher’s song Half-Bred where I compared the Good Samaritan as a half=bred because the Samaritan’s were hated for being half Jew, half Gentile. The point of that post was how can pastors be against Obamacare? Do they really believe that it’s right to walk right by people in need like the priest did in story of the Good Samaritan? Yes America’s pastors need to explain away the Good Samaritan. The Pastor’s will not change if we do Nothing!
George H. Bush the 41st President of the United States was the last American President of the World War 2 generation. George H. Bush was a true war hero. What makes a war hero does just wearing a uniform make a war hero? Today I’m going share my thoughts on what makes a war hero and what is not a war hero. Today’s song is the Theme from Patton it’s one of the best movie themes and sets the tone for the movie. Parts of the theme is played throughout the movie and the theme becomes part of the movie.
My generation grew up watching war movies and Patton is my favorite. Patton is my favorite because of on scene that always reminds me of my Granddaddy. It’s the scene where Patton slaps the soldier calling him a coward. I don’t have to describe the scene to you because thanks to the internet you can watch the scene below. How did people make it before the internet?
Every time I see this scene I think of Granddaddy. People who knew Granddaddy may say well there’s no way that Doc Inman was anything like General Patton. But they didn’t Granddaddy like I did. Granddaddy didn’t like going to the VA hospital in Muskogee not because of the drive or the long wait no what upset Granddaddy was being in a building full of cowards! Those sorry drunks and drug addicts well they aren’t nothing but cowards. That hospital belongs to men of honor not a bunch of cowards. I heard that from my Granddaddy quit often. I know for a few of you this is sounding very familiar, you may say yes that sounds just like my Granddad. In World War 2 there was no such thing as PTSD you either fought or you died but you never run away. If you did ran there was a great chance you would be shot and it wasn’t the Germans you had to worry about. Granddaddy was in The Battle of the Bulge he was wounded by a German grenade, after he was hit, he was riding on a disabled tank with other wounded soldiers when the tank crested a hill and on the other side as Granddaddy said there nothing over that hill but Germans. So Granddaddy spent the rest of the war as a Prisoner of War. There is a lesson here on how Granddaddy was captured because you see when that tank went over that little hill the Germans could had open fire and killed all of them. No one would ever known the difference so why didn’t they? Maybe it was that those German soldiers were also Men of Honor and they didn’t kill the defendless wounded soldiers.
I’m going to rewrite the slapping scene from Patton. In my version George H. Bush is there with John McCain, I know he was in a different war but this is my version so I can wright it anyway I want. Patton walks over to a soldier sitting on the bed. Patton asks soldier what’s your name and he replied on my name’s Donald! Patton says why are here? On I’ve got bone spurs. You got what? Bone spurs their in my heels and wearing combat boots hurts my feet. Then Donald whispers to Patton see that guy over there he was captured not a war hero. Now you can’t fight because your feet hurt? On the combat boots are so uncomfortable they didn’t brother that much when I was in military school but now they make me really uncomfortable. Is that all that’s wrong you is your feet. Then Donald whispers come closer. and then he whispers I can’t get killed because someday I’m going to be the Commander in Chief. Then Patton stood up and said “This soldier really does belong in a hospital!”
Today there is so much killing that we have create names for the different killings. Today we have serial killers, spree killers, family annihilators, honor killers, passion killers, but today’s song is about another class of killer. It’s called a thrill killer. This is a person who kills just to see how much fun and how much of a thrill he can get from killing someone. When you listen to the words of this song that Sting wrote and recorded in 1996 you may say that he was just making it all up. Someone doesn’t kill a person they don’t know and have never even seen this person before that just can’t happen. But the sad fact is what Sting describes in this song happens all the time.
Johnny Cash was so touched by Sting’s song that he also recorded the song in 2002. Johnny Cash wasn’t stealing Sting’s song Johnny was taking the song and spreading to a wider audience of his fans and country music at large. This wasn’t Johnny’s first song about a thrill killer, my favorite and one of his first hit song , Folsom Prison Blues, Johnny sings but I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die, I heard that whistle blowing, IHang my head and cried. Johnny recorded Folsom Prison Blues in 1955 41 years before Sting’s song but both are talking about a thrill kill it’s just that in 1955 we didn’t have a name for it.
In 2014 Sting was one of the honorees at the Kennedy Honors. Of the many songs Sting wrote Bruce Springsteen sung I Hung My Head as his tribute to Sting. I usually only place one version of a song on my post but today’s song has had so much impact that I believe it deserves all three versions of the song.
I believe a thrill kill once again happened in Johnson County Arkansas but unlike today’s song the thrill killer did not spend one hour in jail he was free to go live his life however he pleased. How was it that this man was able to kill a 72 year old woman without being charged with anything? The man was a deer hunter and after he killed the woman he used the decades old excuse “I thought it was a deer” yes he said the magic words that was his get out of jail free card. Every since man has entered the deer woods with guns this excuse has been used and it worked then and as you can see it still works today. After all people don’t kill people they don’t even know for no reason at all people don’t kill other people just for the “fun” of it. “I thought it was a deer” explains it and besides the hunter was crying when he said “I thought it was a deer” so since he cried he must be telling the truth and we feel so sorry for him. the killer. I was a juror in a murder trail and the defendant took the stand and he cried and carried on the entire time that he was on the stand saying though his tears that the sawed off shotgun he put against the other man’s chest just “when off” and it was an accident . We still convicted him of murder it didn’t matter to us how much he cried and how sorry he said he was. So you see this whole “I thought it was a deer” excuse and the hunter crying doesn’t cut it with me. Should we release everyone on death row if they now claim “I thought it was a deer”? But to be fair to the deer hunter we should look at his story. The 72 year old woman was taking pictures of a old church and the fall colors of the trees when she was shot by the deer hunter. So you see how easy it was for this hunter to mistake this woman for a deer, for instance this woman happened to got out of the same model of car that most deer ride in! And the brand of camera she was taking pictures with well it turns out that’s the same kind of camera most deer use to take pictures of the leaves! And who would believe this silly story? Well for one the Johnson County Sheriff. You can find his interview online that he gave to KHBS channel 40/29 the local ABC affiliate. The Sheriff made a big deal over the fact that the woman was not wearing a hunter orange hat and vest and basically blamed her for her death. But the Sheriff didn’t have a clue that what he saying was giving the hunter another motive. Instead of a thrill killer the hunter was a “Stand your ground Killer”. Maybe that hunter did see a deer in the woods it might had been the biggest buck he ever saw and was about to pull the trigger when the biggest buck he ever saw bolted, and then the hunter looked up and saw that woman taking pictures who spooked the biggest buck he ever seen. No deer hunter would say he didn’t have the right to pull the trigger after all the hunter saw an invasion to his border he was with in his rights to kill her. Imagine how it would be if the Johnson County Sheriff interviewed the man in today’s song. He would ask him what happened and the man who pulled the trigger would say “I saw this horse and riding the horse I thought it was a deer so I shot what I thought was a deer riding a horse. The Johnson County Sheriff who then say “well it wasn’t your fault the man riding the horse wasn’t wearing a hunter orange cowboy hat and vest you didn’t do anything wrong he should had orange on where you would know he wasn’t a deer. Is there any way that the Johnson County Sheriff would had done things differently? Well imagine is the hunter was black. Things would be very different if a black man killed a white woman in the woods, you bet that Sheriff would have the black hunter on the ground and slapped the cuffs on him taking him to the Johnson County Jail. You may say Jeff black men don’t hunt deer. Do you know why black men don’t go deer hunting in Arkansas? Because if you take a photo of a black man dressed as a hunter in hunter orange and another photo of a 10 point buck and ask white deer hunters what do you see in these photos? They would all say” well that’s an easy question I see a picture of a white tail deer and a picture of a black tail deer! So we don’t have to worry about that , black men know not go into the woods in Arkansas they are very aware that the national headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan is in Arkansas. Why did the hunter really get away with killing that woman? I can explain exactly how he got away with it. After this woman was killed there was statewide coverage so people knew about it. But what did my friends on Face Book post? Did they have posts saying to hunters to be sure on what your shooting at. Did they have posts on what a shame it was that this woman lost her life. Did they have posts as a tribute to this woman? No this is what my good Christian Pro-life friends thought this was what God wanted them to post on Face Book?
Did anyone notice I wrote that in hunter’s orange? Someone said they had seen a post similar to this in three different states. There’s no doubt that these posts originated from the NRA. After seeing three or four of these posts I thought and I do my best not to comment, but I saw enough first I thought my comment would be; no mass shootings that’s not what Bambi says. But then I thought better of it and I made the comment: How many deer hunters use AR-15 ? Well you think that would be harmless enough comment but you would be wrong. A short while later there was two comments lecturing me that guns don’t kill people and it don’t matter what kind of guns hunters use there’s no difference between a hunting rifle and a AR-15. I sure glad they cleared that up for me. By the way I think now would be a good time to explain the difference between hunting rifles and assault rifles. It’s a very simple difference a bullet coming out of an assault rifle travels at 3 times the velocity than a hunter’s rifle. Does this mean that the impact force is 3 times greater? No not when you factor in Einstein’s theory of relativity the impact force of the bullet is not 3 times greater it’s squared which means the difference between an assault rifle and a hunter’s rifle is the force of impact is 9 times greater. What does this mean a hunter’s rifle can damage organs, an assault rifles will totally obliterate organs. Hunters know what an assault rifle would do to a deer it would destroy the meat that’s why hunter’s don’t use assault rifles. But that is the reason mass shooters always use assault rifles and them never use hunting rifles. The above post is not only foolish and wrong it is dangerous. It also explains how hunters always get away with murder. It doesn’t matter if it’s a thrill kill or the made up Stand Your Ground kill either way the NRA and it’s followers will come to the defense of the hunter by the millions.
My Face Book friends who posted this pro-gun post also make many posts claiming their love for unborn babies, they say they are prolife. How can you be both progun and prolife? Imagine if this wasn’t a 72 year old woman but rather it was a 23 year old woman and her unborn baby was also killed. Would they forget her unborn baby as fast as they forgot the 72 year old? Well it’s sad to say we already know the answer to that . In the Las Vegas shooting and the Texas church shootings there were unborn babies that died in both shootings. Did anyone see any posts about these babies from any prolife people? No they were silent it seems their concern for the unborn has to line up with their politics before they really care.
How could we stop ALL these killings? I live in Fort Smith Arkansas my city is famous for Judge Isaac Parker know as the “Hanging Judge”. Judge Parker was once asked if hanging was really a deterrent? Judge Parker said “The severity of the punishment wasn’t the deterrent it was the certainty of punishment”. If you killed someone and came before Judge Parker you were certain you would be hanged. If a deer hunter is certain that if he kills a person in the woods he WILL GO TO PRSION and that would stop all these “I thought it was a deer” killings. But until one of these hunters receive anything but praise from the gun lobby until human life becomes as “precious” as their guns nothing will chance. This was yet another example of no one caring about the right to life of the victims, but millions of gun lovers will come to the defense of the hunter after all he said “I thought it was a deer”.
There has been a new development since I first posted this story. The State of Michigan has made it legal for hunters to also wear hot pink vests and caps while deer hunting. I hope this doesn’t spread to here in the south because it will just give hunters another excuse they will now say “I thought it was a gay deer!”
But wait there’s more! Yesterday the Johnson County Prosecutor filed charges against the hunter! It turns out the hunter admitted to drinking alcohol earlier in the day and the lab results tested positive for marijuana and methamphetamines. Now here’s the bad news he was only charged with manslaughter. So what’s manslaughter here’s a definition: Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that doesn’t involve malice aforethought—intent to seriously harm or kill, or extreme, reckless disregard for life. The absence of malice aforethought means that manslaughter involves less moral blame than either first or second degree murder. I guess what took so long for the Johnson County Prosecutor to file charges he first had to have it cleared with the NRA. Here’s an example of manslaughter; Two men get drunk at a bar, they get in a fight and one man dies as a result of the barfight. Both were drunk and witnesses say the dead man started the fist fight. Or two neighbors get in a disagreement and while their on the front porch and one pushes the other and then the other neighbors pushes back and the neighbor falls backwards off the porch and his head hits a rock in the flowerbed and dies as a result, then it is likely that the charge of manslaughter would be filed. Taking a high power hunting rifle and placing a bullet in the chamber shows an intent to kill. He wasn’t taking target practice at beer bottles some of which he emptied that day. He loaded his rifle and took aim at the woman and pulled the trigger that shows intent. We also learned the hunter was a least 50 yards away, that’s half a football field away and the bullet hit the woman “dead center” in the chest. There’s no way this could be an accident as the manslaughter charge implies. You may say Jeff your not a lawyer or a prosecutor you don’t know what you are talking about, well I know a lot of you are lawyers and prosecutors so feel free to correct me in the comments! In the murder trail that was involved in as a juror, the jury was given the options of 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder or manslaughter that was up to a jury to decide but the Johnson County Prosecutor shows his clear prejudice so there is no way this woman’s family will feel any justice. There’s a good chance this hunter won’t serve one day in prison which will make the gun lovers very happy.
Today’s song What is truth? by Johnny Cash is considered to be a Vietnam War protest song. Johnny wrote this song in 1970 during the war in Vietnam but does that make the song a protest song about the war? It seems today that a lot of singers say they had a Vietnam war protest song. A few years ago Mickey from Monkeys told whoever was interviewing him that The Monkeys had a Vietnam War protest song Mickey said it was Last Train To Clarksville the reporter wanted how was that song a protest song. Mickey said you know the part that says and I don’t know if I’m ever coming home well Mickey said that’s because he was headed for Vietnam. Well I’m really glad Mickey cleared that up, so the guy was taking the last train to Clarksville and then what I guess he then took the first train to Vietnam. Then there’s Glen Campbell and his big Vietnam War protest song “Galveston” In this song Glen “cleans his gun and dreams of Galveston” on a variety show he sang this song dressed in Army fatigues so I guess that settles that. But if you want to hear a real Vietnam War protest song I’ve already had one for one of my songs of the day. It’s a song few have heard it’s title is “Nineteen” scroll down and listen to it and maybe share it with Vietnam Vets you know and ask them how old were you when you went to serve in Vietnam? What is Truth asks a question that is ever bit as important today as it was in 1970.
President Jimmy Carter once said to the American people “I will never lie to you”. Just the other day President Trump said “I tell the truth, when I can”. No I’m not making this up as I go. The President of the United States said he only told the truth “when he could” What does that mean? Let’s look at one statement that he said so many times during the campaign that most Americans can recite this ” I’m having an audit and as soon the audit done, I’ll release my taxes. So is this one of those times when he can’t tell the truth? If he tells the truth “when he can” what’s keeping him from telling the truth here? Gerald Ford was the last person running for president who didn’t release his taxes, at least Ford didn’t lie about it but of coarse everyone remembers he also lost the election. And what do the Trump supporters say about his taxes? They are very clear that the truth does matter at all, that the President of the United States does not need be a man of his word. And those Trump supporters that call themselves “Christians” the Commandment that says “Thou shalt not bear false witness” means nothing just like that other Commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery”. They have marked those out of their Bibles and they better get a new marker they will need it if their going to follow Trump. Joseph Goebbels Hitler’s propaganda minister once said ” A lie retold once is still a lie. But a lie retold a thousand times becomes a truth. As you can see from Donald Trump quote it don’t take him but three times for a lie to become a truth. The Trump supporters will believe anything he says, well almost anything. Remember what President Trump said about the Caravan headed towards the Southern border the Trump supporters have repeated his lies millions of times on Face Book, they repeat how these are a lot of bad people rapists, murders just a bunch of really bad people. But very few if barely none at all are repeating the lie that there are people from the Middle East hiding in the caravan. Does anyone knows how those people from the Middle East arrived in Honduras did they take a very long swim? Or did they arrive in a rowboat? What I think is they had one of those transporters I saw in Star Trek and they were beamed to Honduras to join up with the caravan and then their plan was to walk over a thousand miles hiding in the caravan and then when they made it to the border they would throw rocks! Yes that’s a great plan! But it seems that the Trump supporters can’t even believe this part of the lie but that doesn’t stop them after all they stopped caring about the truth a long time ago. Do you ever wander what these Trump supporters tell their children when they ask about telling the truth? Do they tell them that the truth no longer matters that the truth is not important that the only thing that really matters is that you get your way. That’s Donald Trump’s message to their children and they will not go against anything that Donald Trump says. Even through Johnny Cash asked this question decades ago it seems a large portion of people today don’t ask don’t care What is Truth?
I’ll going to tell of the story of my blog. A couple of years ago I was unhappy with Face Book and how it wasn’t possible to do what I wanted. For instance you can’t put more than one link on a post so sometimes I would have to make two different posts then the posts would be separated on the newsfeed so people would read my second post and not understand what I was talking about. And then my family complained that my post were too long. So I thought I would have my own blog. I didn’t know anything about blogging I tried to find all I could about a blog. It turns out that the reason it’s called a blog is because it’s a web log where the blogger, that’s me now, is suppose to make a daily log, it’s similar to a dairy on the computer. Blogs are supposed to have a theme. Maybe you like to cook so you start a cooking blog. Great idea there’s only a couple million of those. I thought on what my theme could be for a long time. I kept coming back to the idea to have a blog with songs. Now there are hundreds maybe thousands of song blogs on the internet, but all of them that I looked at were someone would take a song and tell why they liked it or not, the computer version of Dick Clark, or a DJ on the radio. Others had blogs about their favorite band, like the Beatles. But that wasn’t anything like I wanted to do with my blog What I wanted to is take a song and tell a story, an essay, kind of like an article in a magazine but with songs and pictures and maybe even a few videos. My essay may not be about a whole song it might be about a phase or even just a couple of words from a song. Then before I started my song blob I needed to find out if putting videos of singers singing their songs is legal? I know you say it doesn’t matter everyone’s doing it on Face Book. Well it turns out that because of the internet that is now what is known as a “Review Copyright” best that I could find out this means if that a video of a song from u tube and post it on your Face Book as long as your not selling the song but you make any kind of comment about the song then you have a “Review Copyright” and it’s legal to that. So if any of are afraid to put a song or video on Face Book thinking you are stealing from anyone there is a law that says you can do it and it’s not stealing from anyone. Well I knew that question would come up and wanted to be sure that I wasn’t going to do anything against the law before I started my bog. I thought I would try out my idea first to my friends on Face Book. What would be my first song ? This was in May of 2016 and people posted a whole lot about politics So I thought I would post Sheryl Crow’s Soak Up the Sun because it had the line: I gonna tell everyone to LIGHTEN UP!
So on May 31, 2016 I made my first post of Jeff’s song of the Day. I told how the election was way in November and summer was here and couldn’t we do what Sheryl Crow sang about enjoying the sun of summer and everyone lightening up. Well guess what no one thought that was a good idea they weren’t going to lighten up one bit and how dare me telling them they should lighten up! So I wasn’t giving up on my next post I posted the Theme from the Partridge Family. I wanted to point out that on their second season they had a different little brother and no one was supposed to notice. So I made up a conversation of the little Partridge girl, Traci and her teacher on her first day back to school. Teacher: Traci what did you do over the summer vacation? Traci: oh I got a new little brother named Chris. Teacher: Don’t you already have a brother named Chris? Traci: Yes but Mom got rid of my first brother Chis and now I have another brother named Chris Mom says he’s better-looking. Teacher: How does you Mom thinks she’ll get away with this? Traci: Oh Mom says that we have a neighbor down the street named Darren Stephens Mom says his wife was a witch and changed her husband without any one noticing. Teacher: Well I taught the Stephens girl, Tabitha and she told me if I told anyone she would turn me into a frog. Traci: Oh is that how you won the national teacher jumping contest?–OK I know there must be some one out there who thought that was a little funny. I guess there’s no one who thinks Face Book should be used for entertainment. No way Face Book is to used to fight over politics! I still would not give up on the 3rd of July of 2016 I again posted same song different video and told everyone that at least for one day the 4th of July that we could lighten up a little. No one did.
What to do now? There’s No Doubt in My Mind, and by the way that’s a title of a Partridge Family song, I have to take a stand against those who drag the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the mud to justify their hatred for non-whites and the poor. My next post will be the Johnny Cash song: What is Truth? Donald Trump does not know the truth his followers may know the truth but they would rather believe in lies. Even my Christmas songs will have a pollical message. The election of Donald Trump was changed our nation forever, not for the good. Our task now is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ without hate in our voices but rather we should express our love for all peoples because as the Bible says; For Christ first loved us. I hope there comes a time when we can lighten up, but I believe it’s a long time off.
Today is the 4th of July weekend, so that means one thing in most church’s across America they are having what is know as The God and Country service. This is most generally a service to honor our current and formal military. Many church’s will play the service songs. (each branch of the military has it’s own song; The Navy has Anchors Away. and the Air Forces has here we go into the great blue wonder and the Army, Marines, and Coast Guard all have their songs) then when each song is played the members of the congregation that were in that branch of service would stand. After the songs are over the congregation would clap or sometimes they would give a standing ovation to the service people. And then the pastor or song leader would always say something to the effect that “it’s because of these servicemen that gives us our freedom” and then as they say the crowd goes wild. Well I suppose it’s alright to wrap yourself around the American flag while holding your Bible, but let’s think about that for a minute. First how did I pick this hymn to be the song of the day? I took out my Baptist Hymnal and in the back of the hymnal is the topic index I looked up the topic Freedom and found this hymn listed. Maybe the reason this hymn was listed was that the topic wasn’t Freedom dash military glorification it was Freedom dash spiritual. The songs listed were; Free from the law-Free to be me-New born again-New life for you-There is a name I love to hear-There is power in the blood-“Whosoever” meaneth me-Why do I sing about Jesus, in other words it’s a list hymns that was not sung in any church today!
What ‘s wrong with holding your Bible while wrapping yourself in the American flag? You either have to change your politics in fit your beliefs or you have to change your beliefs to fit your politics. The Apostle Peter would have no problem telling you what’s wrong with it. It was the Apostle Peter who walked on water with Jesus, that is until he begun to sink. Why was Peter sinking? Because he took his eyes off of Jesus. If we place our eyes to the military or politics or even our love of our great country, we are endanger of taking our eyes off of Jesus.
I was a mover for several years and I did my share of moving our military around. During my years of moving a lot of military people you may ask who was it that I enjoyed moving the most . That’s an easy question to answer first I moved a retiring General to his new home on Lake Ten Killer, Lake Ten Killer is in Oklahoma, I didn’t make this up. The other one was the time I moved in the base commander, the Colonel picked up a chair and carried it into his house all by himself! This kind of thing just didn’t happen when moving military people after all I knew my place in the whole scheme of things. None of them ever said it, but I knew all of them, in their mind, Was calling me the c word. That’s just the way it was, they were in ” the service” and I was just a c word. I’m sure those of you that are familiar with the military know that the c word is about the worse thing you could be. The c word is of coarse–civilian. One time I was moving in this Army officer and on some of his boxes the word Captain was replaced by the word Major. It turns out that the civilian packers wrote Captain, because when packing military in was required to write their rank on each of their boxes, and it turns out he was just promoted to Major so when he discovered that the civilian packers were writing Captain on his boxes he made them x out all the boxes they wrote Captain on and replaced it with Major. This kind of military attitude was nothing new to me. In high school the kids that were in ROTC may it clear that the rest of kids were just civilians, they couldn’t help it after all they were taught this at their homes. But you know it wasn’t always like this where the military is always glorified. Todays song was made on Jan. 8, 1914 over 104 years ago. The song is featured on PBS American Experience: The Great War, here is a preview on the program.
It’s hard in this day and time to believe that there was a time in America where there wasn’t the worshipping of the military that we have today. There was a time when parents didn’t gladly sacrifice their sons because the military goes blindly into war.
The line in the song: Who dares to put a musket on his shoulder to shoot some other’s mother darling boy! reminds me of a quote from our former president, Jimmy Carter who once said: War may sometimes be a necessary evil . but no matter how necessary it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn to live together in peace by killing each other’s children. We will never hear a statement like that from our current president. Yes President Trump loves the military and all it’s glory it’s such a shame that he had to take those five deferments during the Vietnam War. He took four deferments because his college education was more important than serving his county, and at the age of 22 after college he was already to serve his country and wouldn’t you know it he had to take another deferment because he had massive bone spurns in his heels, it’s amazing he could even walk! But good news for President Trump those massive bone spurns just disappeared right after he received his deferment. Although Donald Trump never got to experience war he still loves war, in fact he has wrapped himself with the American flag and loves the military so much that he has decided what America needs most is a military parade. Yes a military parade just like they have in Russia, China, and of coarse North Korea. Well he already holds Hitler style rallies where he is praised or maybe worshipped is a better way of describing them. The military parade that is planned to be on Veterans Day November 11,2018. What happened 100 years ago? Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. What could be more inappropriate to have a parade glorifying war on the 100th anniversary of the end of our first World war. Of coarse the purpose of the parade is not to glorify war it’s to glorify President Donald J. Trump. The cost of this parade is estimated to be around 50 million dollars but you know that’s isn’t anywhere near the real cost and I’m not just referring to the cost of money what is even more important is what is this going to cost the reputation of our country. Are going to be country like the theme of the first World War that’s Making the World Safe for Democracy or we’re going to become a nation ruled by the military? Just look at all the generals President has appointed to key jobs in our government, it seems that only generals and people that work for Fox News will get appointed by President Trump. I hope that when this parade happens on November 11, there will also be another parade in Washington DC The other parade will celebrate the Democrats taking back the House AND Senate which would once again make America Safe For Democracy!—-Join me again tomorrow when I will have a great song about taxes. Don’t know any great songs about taxes, well you will hear one tomorrow.
Their are many people who will tell that the United States of America is a nation of laws. NO North Korea is a nation of laws. The United States of America is a nation of freedoms! Millions of people don’t come to America to live under strict laws, they come for the freedom of America.. They do NOT come to America to be enslaved them and their children.
Back when I went to school I was taught that America was “a nation of immigrants” that America was the “melting pot” of the world where all different people of different believes and of coarse people of different skin color.
Holding the torch to light the way to freedom
One of the greatest symbols of America’s freedom is the Statue of Liberty. At the base of the statue is the famous quote: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” That’s why the Statue of Liberty is holding a torch, it’s to light the way to freedom. The problem America has is we have a president who was elected with a minority of the vote, who believes freedom should only be available to those whose skin is white. America has a huge problem and I believe most people in America don’t know what this problem is. After World War 2 the soldiers came home and it is unclear what exactly they did but after a few months there were suddenly a lot of babies being born. These babies would come to be know as the “baby boomers”. The baby boomers have a huge problem and I don’t think they prevent it, the baby boomers are old now and their dying like crazy! Their was a report that said that in the white population of America deaths outnumber births. It’s not a shock we knew this was going to happen for years because their are people in our country that know a little something about math. That’s right I don’t care how much the Trump worshippers love the great white race the math’s against them. The other day President Trump said “If we are not tough on the border then the United States will be flooded with millions of people crossing the southern border. Well OK then, here’s the deal if Trump does what he said he’ll do and brings millions of jobs back from China then we will have millions of jobs with no one to fill them. Hey do the Math! The question that now must be answered is what color will the people be to fill these jobs. Well thankfully, we know what our president wants. President a few months ago President Trump that “we don’t want people coming from shithole countries why can’ we have people coming from Norway? President Trump wanted to know. And by the way the word “shithole” is now an Official Presidential Word and the Trump worshippers couldn’t be prouder of the president’s command of the English language. How are we going to do the will of our president and get these white people from Norway to come to America? Well I have a great idea we can pay their way over and then we can get them a job, maybe a job like mowing white Americans yards! But thanks to ICE, due to a raid yesterday on a meat-packing plant in Ohio there are now 165 jobs available for people from Norway. Wouldn’t that be great because don’t you know how much better a steak would taste if you knew that cow was killed and it’s guts were ripped out by white people from Norway! Then there’s all the jobs like going to a chicken house in the middle of the night and put chickens in cages to be taken to the chicken plant where once there, are hundreds of jobs for white people from Norway. Just like chickens the exact same jobs can be found with turkeys. Just imagine this Thanksgiving you could sit down with your family all around and you could thank God for all those great white people from Norway who made it possible for everyone to eat turkey. And then there are all the produce and fruit that is picked hand. That would be great for our new white Americans but don’t think for one second these white people from Norway are going to be equal with us white Americans. Years ago we took in a lot of people just because they were starving to death. You may not know it but they were from the {place Official Presidential Word here} nation of Ireland. Now these people were white and spoke English, although they spoke it really funny, they were rejected from the white Americans that were already here. One reason why they hated the people from this {place Official Presidential Word here} nation of Ireland was the fact that most of them were Catholic. Today we have the same thing going on, most of the people coming from Mexico and from the other {place Official Presidential Word here} countries are Catholic. The Trump worshippers say that we don’t need anymore brown people and for sure don’t need anymore Catholics in our non {place Official Presidential Word here} country.—–I’ve got a lot more to say so bookmark my blog and join me here again tomorrow for another song and my comments.